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Friday, March 02, 2007

Albert Gore, Jr is probably the most famous and seemingly influential President of the United States that has never actually been President of the United States. Depending on what side of the political fence that you sit on, Al Gore won the 2004 Presidential election. But, as we all know, the what the people want to happen and what actually happens are often very polar opposites so what has happened is a President who is not and looks like never will be President who has a global influence. Unless you have been living under the proverbial rock, Al Gore is the star of a documentary directed by Davis Guggenheim and produced by Laurie David and Lawrence Bender called AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. This film has not only captured the pulse of the US but has had a global impact on audiences and the powers that be who can actually have a direct effect on climate change. The film, very much Mr Gore himself, is pretty straightforward and no frills but manages to distill a very complicated problem into simple layman's terms so much so that not only was the film nominated for this year's Academy Awards - it won! How cool is that! One billion people watched Al Gore accept an Oscar for a film about global climate change. Think about that for a moment.

In an effort to foster his citizen action, a few years ago, Al Gore launched Current TV, a viewer created content site - "The TV Network By the People Who Watch It" - that is less videos of baby's first steps as it is a mini CNN for politically and socially conscious youth. Videos are created and uploaded by 17 to 30 year olds about things like community action campaigns, green issues and political injustice. To make the site seem less of a downer, there is also a fair amount of indie music videos and performances by hip bands like Deathcab for Cutie, Coldwar Kids and The Shins and popular culture stuff culled from other sites. Watching the news and current events video content, one wonders why CNN is not knocking on some of these kids doors as their content is often more compelling and balanced than what is being done for the so- called professionals. In few cities in the US, Current TV is on local cable channels but in most places the only place to watch is online.

Running since 2005 in the US, Current TV is coming to the UK and Ireland and will air on BSkyB - a Fox owned and operated broadcast outlet. With 30% of the content on the network viewer created, I wonder if UK "kids" will warm up to the socially, environmentally and politically action oriented content that has been produced in the US or will a bit of backlash occur as Al has gotten into bed here with Sir Richard Branson. Though the goal of the Green contest they are running for the best solution for climate change, is a commendable one. Many here in the UK question Branson's Green cred. Whether the partnership with Branson will affect Current TV remains to be seen as unlike with AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, Al's association with the channel are not always apparent here.

Either way, I think that Current TV coming to the UK is a great thing. Especially as it is the antithesis to myspace and youtube which have swept the UK like the rest of the planet.

Keeping it indie,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

4:17 AM  

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