
The official blog for Because there's more out there...

Location: Los Angeles/Chicago, CA/IL

We are a website that is dedicated to increasing the audience for independent films. In order to do this, we list showtimes for indie films (including foreign, documentaries, and shorts, as well as features, you name it) that are playing in theaters and festivals. If you're a filmmaker, contact us because listings are FREE.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

Okay, okay... Obviously if you really want to quit smoking or drop some pounds it's a good thing. But so many of us get so overwhelmed by the pressure that comes with the new year, by mid-February we're back to binge eating and chain smoking. I have decided to skip the grief and have come up with a few that I may actually be able to keep.

--See a film that's not "my kind of movie"
Last weekend, I went to see Pan's Labryinth. Initially, when I first heard about the film, I had no desire to see it. Sure, it was made by a great filmmaker and had rave reviews at Cannes, but this is not the movie I'd typically see. Yes, I like the romantic dramas that are guaranteed to have you bawling in the end. But, I was curious and also was going with a friend who I thought might like the fantasy-element of the film. I'm glad i did because I LOVED it. Sure, I covered my eyes through half of it because of the vicious detail Mr. del Toro is known for, but had I stuck to my "genre", I would have missed out on a great film.

--Don't be tempted to "wait for the DVD"
As we speak, they are perfecting the technology that soon we won't have to leave the house to see a film in the theater. Everyone is saying it, and I am fighting it because I believe films are meant to be seen on the big screen. But, sometimes I am lazy. Sometimes I get busy. Sometimes I'm broke. Whatever the reason, I catch myself saying, I'll just wait for the DVD. Then, months later when I catch the film (and it's good) I always say, man, I wish I would have seen that in the theater. I don't know how many times someone has told me they didn't like a film and then after a bit of discussion, I find out they watched it over three sittings in three days at home. That is not a way a film is meant to be seen people. So, I am going to make a conscious effort to get my butt to the theater.

--See a film I've never heard of
Everyone once in a while, mostly at festivals, I'll pick a film solely because I like the photo or it's just playing at the right time. But it's an unknown director with unknown actors. Sometimes I get a dud, but I have discovered some of my favorite films that way. Take a risk, you never know what you might find!

If anyone would like to join in my quest, I think it will be much more fun challenge than eating boiled eggs and grapefruit. And, of course, you can find out about all the great films here on our lovely site (shameless plug). Whatever the choice, it'll be a good year me thinks.

Long live indie film,



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